If you’ve been considering plastic surgery, the holidays and winter are the perfect time to have your procedure! Not sure why? Here are four benefits of having surgery done during the holiday season: 1. Holiday Time Off During the holiday season, it’s likely you already have some scheduled time off from work, so you won’t […]

plastic surgery neck

The neck is often what gives away a person’s age. Even if you are careful to prevent signs of aging in the face, it is still common for the neck to show skin laxity and wrinkles. Many people are insecure about the appearance of their neck due to these aging changes. However, it is not […]

If you’re considering chin surgery, or a genioplasty, it can make a world of difference in how you view yourself by providing enhanced self-esteem when you look in the mirror. What is Genioplasty? Genioplasty, or chin augmentation, is a form of cosmetic chin surgery performed by maxillofacial surgeons and plastic surgeons. Genioplasty is an elective […]

You have probably noticed that the skin on the back of your upper arm is harder to tone. This is normal. However, sometimes this skin becomes extremely inelastic due to aging or major weight loss. This can lead to sagging where the skin hangs down in an unattractive way. If you have this aesthetic concern, […]

mommy makeover plastic surgery body

The mommy makeover is one of the most highly individualized and customizable plastic surgery procedures. For these reasons, mommy makeovers are one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures chosen each year. It is specifically designed with women in mind with the aim to address the contours of both the breasts and midsection. Mommy makeover […]

Having extra fat under your chin is not ideal. A double chin can mask your jawline and facial contours leading to an older, heavier appearance. Having excess fat under the chin does not mean that you are overweight or in bad health. It could be a condition referred to as submental fullness. Dr. Shaddix and […]

facelift fillers botox plastic surgery medspa

If you’re starting to see signs of aging in your face, there are a wide variety of procedures and treatments that can combat these changes.  Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin combined with loss of facial volume are the most common things we see as we get older. Among the available options to treat these […]

facial surgery plastic

While increasingly popular, plastic surgery is widely misunderstood in a variety of ways, and certain stigma remains despite both celebrities and everyday people becoming more open about the procedures they’ve chosen. Before you choose to undergo a procedure, it’s important to understand more about plastic surgery in general: its potential results, who is a good […]

liposuction plastic surgery

Liposuction is a well-known and increasingly common cosmetic surgery procedure. It can be performed as a standalone body-contouring procedure or as part of another surgery, such as a tummy tuck. Before you consider liposuction, it’s important to be informed about the procedure. Here are five commonly asked questions about the liposuction procedure. What is liposuction? […]

pectoral implants chest implants plastic surgery men

For men, having defined pectoral (chest) muscles is an important component of having a sexy and athletic look. Men who have a difficult time building the chest definition they desire are not out of options.  There are pectoral implants. These implants are a great option for men who want more definition in their chest. Dr. […]